Special Mixed Rose Bouquet And Balloon

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24 Mixed Rose Bouquet with "I Love You" Balloon:

What's the best way to show your loved one how much you care?
Mixed Rose And Balloon has the perfect answer with its 24 Mixed Rose Bouquet with "I Love You" Balloon! This beautiful bouquet arranged by our expert florist, and is perfect for valentines or any occasion.

Features & Benefits:
-Mixed Roses: A beautiful mix of colors that is sure to please
-I Love You Balloon: A heartfelt way to show your love
-By Our Expert Florist: Professionally arranged for that extra special touch

How it works:
1. Simply choose this mixed rose bouquet and balloon
2. Add to cart and checkout
3. Our florist will take care of the rest. Our team of expert florists will create a beautiful arrangement of mixed roses and deliver it to your loved one with a "I Love You" balloon.

Please Note: Balloon could be in inflated or deflated state while delivered in provincial area. If delivered in deflated state, a free pumper would be provided along with the balloon, if delivered in inflated state, no pumper would be provided.

Please Note: Balloon colors & design may vary, depending on the market availability.

Please Note: If this blue color rose is not available, then it would be replaced with red color roses.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift card.

Shipping : Any Part in Philippines.

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